Friday, June 20, 2008

Tough Choices

I had a hard time choosing one photo to capture this moment--all provide a slice of Sara.


  1. I happened to stumble across your blog tonight..and I've been looking through a lot of your photos..they're beautiful :) I really like the third one in this's too cute!

    I saw that you had mentioned in an older post that you had found other photo blogs that you liked..I happened to stumble across one about a month ago that keeps me going back for more and more..LOL.. is her photo/professional blog with her portfolio..and is her personal blog that I randomly found in a similar fashion to how I found yours (the next button on blogger..haha!) I love looking at her thought I'd pass it along to someone else who appreciates good photos :) I'll be sure to be back again to check out yours :)

  2. Thanks, lilac dreamer! I'm flattered that you have enjoyed my photos, and thanks for sharing another worthwhile site!
